A Note of Thanks
We , Team Depicta would like to sincerely thank all those with the help and support of whom this festival has been a real Grand success .
We would like to express our endless gratitude and Thanks to our esteemed judges who took time out of their busy schedules to be a part of Depicta 2012 .
The Judges for the short film competition : 1. Shri Abu Mounir, Faculty Member, Dept. of Mass Communication, Siliguri College and Gyan Jyoti College
2. Shri Subhrojyoti Mandal, Lecturer, Dept. of Mass Communication, North Bengal University
3. Shri Abhishek Roy, Joint Secretary, Society for North Bengal Film Festival and an independent film maker .
2. Shri Subhrojyoti Mandal, Lecturer, Dept. of Mass Communication, North Bengal University
3. Shri Abhishek Roy, Joint Secretary, Society for North Bengal Film Festival and an independent film maker .
The Judges for the Drama competition :
1. Shri Manash Bhowmick , Thespian
2. Shri Abhijeet , Thespian and member Arya Natya Samaj , Jalpaiguri .
Here is a list of all the prize winners at Depicta 2012 :-
Short Film Compettion :
- Best Film : " Suva " from Future Institute of Technology .
- 2nd Best Film : " Eka " from Future Institute of Technology .
- 3rd Best Film : " Intricate Minds " from Jalpaiguri Government Engineering Colllege .
Drama Competition :
- Best Actor : Sourav Panja
- Best Actress : Shalini Mondal
- 2nd Best Actor : Pritam Ghosh
- 2nd Best Actress : Preyasi Chatterjee
- Best Script : Jugal Pal
- 3rd Best Production : " Love in Jolu "
- 2nd Best Production : " Bhoot "
- Best Production : " Alik Rajar Deshe "
We Promise to come back bigger and better next year .
signing off